Little Redfish Lake

Stanley, Idaho, USA

Little Redfish Lake is a photographer’s destination in the state of Idaho. Many versions of this photograph exist, with the scenic Sawtooth Mountains in the background, the reflective lake, and various means of foreground interest.

When I was working on this shot, I was struggling. A scene like this usually needs foreground interest, something to draw the eye into the photograph. I went out with a group of photographers, but there are only so many logs and rocks on the lakeshore. By the time I arrived, I was barely able to find a place to shoot, let alone something in the foreground. All I had was the lake and the sky.

It wasn’t until I saw the image later that I noticed the “rays” in the sky above. On this morning, a fire was burning near Lowman, Idaho, and the smoke was drifting northeast to Stanley. The scene was clear and sharp, but there was still enough smoke in the air to be noticeable.

I took many shots that morning, as the sun rose and painted the mountains. This one was captured in the “blue hour” before the sun appeared. I noticed later, looking through my images, that the “rays” appeared for just a few minutes. I think the rays had something to do with interplay between the smoke and the sunlight, which must have been hitting at just the right angle.

I was surprised – and pleased. For my lack of foreground interest, I had captured something better, in my opinion: some notable highlights and shadows to frame the image.

Sometimes a photograph is equal parts technique and serendipity, which is even more reason to enjoy the art.


Leslie Gulch


Pacific City Sunrise