Stanley Lake

Stanley, Idaho, USA

This must be one of the most photographed scenes in the state of Idaho: the iconic Mount McGown standing watch over Stanley Lake just outside of Stanley, Idaho.

Indeed, the morning this photograph was taken, there were three other photographers in roughly the same spot, trying to capture the scene. And that was in mid-October, well after peak tourist season, when it was 15 degrees (F) outside!

So, how does one get a fresh, unique perspective on such a well-photographed scene?

Generally, I don’t try. But in this case, the location has special meaning – we would go camping there when I was young. So, another weekend with promising weather, another 3:00 A.M. wake-up time, another long drive into the mountains, another cherished outing with my amazingly patient family.

We arrive, and this was laid out in front of us.

I think most people see a photograph like this and appreciate the beauty and drama captured therein. That’s perfect! However, being the maker, I have the joy of more context. It was quiet – oh, so peaceful. The air was fresh and crisp. It was cold – but I had the proper gear. I could hear my daughter playing in the background. All around, it was a lovely moment.

Which is my answer to the question of a fresh, unique perspective. I hope that the viewer might feel the way I felt that morning: refreshed, at peace, in awe. If I can offer a glimpse of those feelings, I suspect I’ve done well enough.


Pacific City Sunrise


Tamarack Bridge